There may well have been transatlantic communication
during the Bronze Age or before. The universality of primitive art suggests a worldwide
culture of a homogenous nature. Climatic
changes may have divided the New World from the Old. Late in the Bronze Age the
route was still open, if the report by Plato has any truth. But, if so, these visitors
to America were traders and prospectors for tin.
The period from about the start of the Common Era to the
time of Columbus - with the exception of the Viking settlement in Newfoundland - could
well be the only time there has not been traffic from Europe to America.
During the Dark Ages, it may be that new world sailors made landfall off the Irish coast
from time to time, giving rise to golden-skinned, beardless visitors from the paradisial
Islands in the West.
Early immigrants on the Northern route to the New World
could have dismantled their boats and trekked overland, or, if solitary adventurers,
carried their coracles on their backs, and walking staves in their hands. Such world-wide
travelers have been imagined as responsible for the carving of related petroglyphs, signs
and symbols common to all continents, such as the basic maze, great snake, the
"Birthing Goddess" glyph, the spiral, the fylfot.
These symbols could be the signs of a people traveling
outside of history, pursuing some vision quest in search of gods, for instance; perhaps in
search of the Tuatha De Danaan of Ireland, half of whom were supposed to have taken
themselves off to where the herds could be seen traversing the plains without
interruption, without seeing the beginning or end of them, across the Plains of Joy in the
Isle of the Blessed.
Admittedly, such a vision of paradise might be expected
from a cattle - loving, pastoral people such as the Irish. Yet the description of the
vast, endless herds of the otherworld in the Western Isle are very reminiscent of
descriptions of the great bison herds that roamed the plains of America.