Fig. 62: Geometry of basic Square Maze,
Completed Form, © Aidan Meehan

Look at the geometry implied in the basic
maze. The square form of the labyrinth is a proof of familiarity with the grid form,
wherever it appears. You see the eyes of our hero at the centre. His right eye is the
centre of a 16x16 square and the left, of a 15x15. Even and odd, Feminine and Masculine.
It seems this is the origin of the myth of the hero with the two-pointed head, Cernunnos.
His protagonist is himself, and he is the serpent on the tree. He holds the serpent by the
neck in one hand, it speaks into his ear. It passes through his waist.
Fig. 62b: Construction of basic Square Maze,
Freehand, © Aidan Meehan