Cover Artwork by Annie Wildwood, who also helped with the layout and
printing. Annie also contributed an article to this issue, Celtic
Art - a Living Tradition in which she reflects on the
nature of the primordial tradition as expressed in earth-centred cultures
such as that of many early, migrational peoples such as the Celts, and
proposes that Celtic art may be considered as an expression of that
wholistic view of the world.
In the previous issue of the Coracle, in
the article America
BC Revisited, I wrote about Professor Barry Fell's theory of
"Celts" in the New World, supported by instances of Ogham script
seemingly found all over North America. About the same time that the
Coracle came out, the Vancouver Sun ran
a feature on ogham (Moira Farrow wrote about the work of
John Corner in her feature, "The Ogham Clue", in the
Vancouver Sun March 18, 1983), so I could not resist returnnig to the
subject in this issue, B.C. Celts in BC? Aidan Meehan.
In 1983, I was intrigued by the mystery
posed by such puzzling reports, and they seem to dovetail with other
seeming correspondences between Old European and Old American arts and
cultures. The question whether such correspondences are coincidence, or
evidence of diffusion, or even of some collective pool of unconsciousness,
was unresloved in my mind. As time goes by, I realise increasingly how ill
equipped I am to resolve such a thorny issue, and I find that as my
scepticism increases, I find myself tending towards concidence as
the most likely explanation.
In retrospect, I began to wonder how anyone could
ever verify such a report. How can we tell if such stones are genuine, and
not a hoax? It must be impossible to say for certain, either way, and the
argument against similar claims for ogham stones in North America,
that they could easily have been caused by scratches from a plough,
or by natural means - must apply equally to the ones reported
here. Scratches in rocks like this must be impossible to date. Ogham
inscriptions occurs within a narrow time scale, long after the Bronze age,
and in a very limited geographical range. There is no evidence that there
was the kind of sustained contact such as would have been required to
establish Ogham as a common language of trade throughout North
The highlight of this issue is
Gabriole Sinclair's Zoomorphic Art: the Development of Intertwining
Zoomorphic Art from Mesopotamia to the Golden Age of Irish Art, which
stands as a useful introduction to the background and development of
animal pattenrs in Celtic art.
Aidan Meehan, Vancouver 2001.